A road is a narrow strip of land cleared of vegetation and often improved by the importation and compaction of rock and/or other material. Roads are constructed primarily to allow vehicles to easily travel from one point to another.

Queensland Local Government Act 2009
Section 59(2) of the Queensland Local Government Act 2009 defines a road as -
- an area of land that is dedicated to public use as a road; or
- an area of land that is developed for, has as one of its main uses, the driving or riding of motor vehicles; and is open to, or used by, the public; or
- a footpath or bicycle path; or
- a bridge, culvert, ferry, ford, punt, tunnel or viaduct.
Victorian Road Management Act 2004
Section 3 of the Victorian Road Management Act 2004 defines a road as –
- any public highway;
- any ancillary area;
- any land declared to be a road under section 11 of Road Management Act 2004 or forming part of a public highway or ancillary area.
Schedule 10 of the Act lists Councils' powers over roads. These powers are listed below:
- Power to construct and maintain roads
- Power to deviate roads
- Power to discontinue roads
- Power to take road making materials
- Power to name roads, erect signs and require premises to be numbered
- Power to establish survey marks
- Power to fix road alignment
- Power to narrow or widen roads
- Power to provide for temporary roads
- Powers concerning fences, gates and by-passes
- Power concerning holes and other dangers
- Powers concerning crossings over footpaths and channels
Austroads defines a road as a "link in the network which exists to carry traffic reasonably efficiently. on which severe traffic restraint is inappropriate (included 'arterials', 'main roads' and other traffic routes).
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